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European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural Education linked to UNESCO

Kulturelle Bildung in Europa durch internationale Vernetzung, Zusammenarbeit in Forschungsfragen sowie die gemeinsame Entwicklung von Konzepten und Umsetzungsstrategien zu stärken und zugleich weiterzuentwickeln steht im Zentrum dieses Netzwerks. Der OeAD ist seit 2016 Mitglied. 

TAGUNG 2022: Kulturelle Bildung, Resilienz und Nachhaltigkeit zusammen_denken

Tagung und Praxisaustausch für Lehrer/innen, Künstler/innen, Vermittler/innen und Wissenschaftler/innen 

Termin: 15.9.2022, 14:00 bis 21:00 Uhr
Ort: Kardinal König Haus, Kardinal-König-Platz 3, 1130 Wien

Der OeAD und EDUCULT luden im Rahmen des ENO-Netzwerks zur Tagung und zum Praxisaustausch "Kulturelle Bildung, Resilienz und Nachhaltigkeit zusammen_denken" in Wien ein. 19 Vertreter/innen des Netzwerks diskutierten mit rund 60 Lehrer/innen, Künstler/innen, Vermittler/innen und anderen Expert/innen aus Österreich, welche Praxis und Perspektiven die Kulturelle Bildung für einen resilienten und nachhaltigen Umgang mit Transformationen entwickelt.

Die Dokumentation der Tagung finden Sie rechts zum Download.


Conference and exchange of practice for teachers, artists, cultural educators and researchers

Date: Thursday, 15 September 2022, 2 to 7 p.m.
Venue: Kardinal König Haus, 1130 Vienna

The OeAD and EDUCULT invited in the framework of ENO to the conference and exchange of practice "Think_together arts and cultural education, resilience and sustainability" in Vienna. 19 representatives of the network discussed with about 60 teachers, artists, cultural educators and other experts from Austria, which practice and perspectives arts and cultural education is developing for a resilient and sustainable approach to transformations.

You can download the documentation of the conference on the right.


Conference on digitalisation and cultural education

Date: Thursday 11th April 2019, from 10am to 5pm
Venue: Kardinal König Haus, Kardinal-König-Platz 3, 1130 Vienna
Conference Languages: English and German
Organizer: ENO MembersAustria OeAD and EDUCULT

Cultural and digital education are prerequisites for forward-looking, individualized learning that promotes self-competence, creativity and flexibility. Digital education in the context of cultural education is a relatively young approach that needs to be tested, also in terms of a reflective distance. How can artists and mediators work with pupils using digital media in the field of cultural education? How are teachers prepared for these challenges to engage in creative processes in the context of cultural and digital education? We live in a media society that uses "old" and "new" - analogue and digital - media in a linked and interactive way. Cultural media education, as part of general education, enables children and young people to orient themselves in an increasingly medial and mediated world. digitalisation strategies in Europe have also triggered discussion in the area of arts education on how cultural workers work with students in the context of digital media. The conference will cover research findings on the subject area and showcase models of how the practical implementation in different countries in Europe works in the field of cultural education. The spectrum ranges from the education of future teachers, to the use in school, to the informal education of young people in the context of digitalisation.


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