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Leonard Sheil

Lighthouses - Signals from the past or Places to explore new ideas

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ab 14 Jahre


Leonard Sheil Irish artist,living and working in Austria.The project would be conducted through english language. No special equipment,but using what is available in any particular school.Lighthouses - Signals from the past or Places to explore new ideas.Since early times,Lighthouses have represented one of humankind’s foremost gestureof benevolence. Warning seagoers of eminent danger or hazard,the first fires that wereset on coastal headlands,developed into the modern,and highly sophisticated mechanisms that dot coastal territories all over the world.However,these extraordinary buildings,sometimes located on unimaginably difficult and dangerous places,have become almost redundant in the modern world. Maintained as outposts by former fulltime lightkeepers,they sustain some important information,and still function as a cautionary measure of possible occurance.Today’s complex navigational equipment aboard most commercial shipping and pleasure craft, make the need for lighthouses almost obsolete.The lighthouse is now on the peripheral not just in the technical sense. They are now fully automated. Have they become a surplus to a previous functional life?What would students of a country unfamiliar with lighthouses in general make of it? What kind of a project could this generate? Imagine the idea of isolation on a rock in the middle of the ocean,but still connected to a world via technology


zuletzt aktualisiert am 23.08.2018 10:18:36

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