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Leonard Sheil

1.The Raft Project Hollenstein 2019

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Englisch, Deutsch
ab 14 Jahre


ENGLISHDrawing Studies made of a Pine Cone by students (ages 14-16years) from Fachschule Unterleiten Hollenstein were the initial stages of the Raft Project.It endeavoured to harness a new combination of old elements with new,and using the river to reconfigure,and come up with its alternatives to what the students present to it on its banks.The underlying aim was to demonstrate alternative approaches to design thinkingand in particular pattern making with its traditional use and understanding. From nature the students took a Pine Cone,studied its form,content,function,and structure.Then re-constructed,abstracted,and designed patterns and shapes.Then rectangular pieces of wood,were prepared and the students finaldesigns,implemented the use of nails.The symbolic use,was to compare the middle of the nineteenth century (or earlier) - tradition of generations of skilled craftspeople who embarked on a journey after their apprenticeship was complete. Using hand forged nails as business cards with their initials,hammered into various Stock’ or Postsin many towns throughout Austria,including the one in the centre of Waidhofen and is a special document of the past.There is one in Vienna on the corner of the magnificent Palais Equitable at the corner of the Graben and Karntner Strasse .This final part of the project was to launch their own ‘rafts’ back to the Ybbs river,at Waidhofen and see how the river’s ebb and flow,might play with their designs.Tied together,using bowlines


zuletzt aktualisiert am 11.05.2019 14:13:38

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